Saturday, March 12, 2011

There's another world on my bedroom walls


Nu am prea multe cuvinte in legatura cu noua melodie a lu' One Night Only- Can you feel it tonight, care este pe coloana sonora la noua reclama Coca-Cola...

Versurile sun exact ceea ce vreau sa exprim. adica prin versul  There's another world on my bedroom walls, ce puteti sa intelegeti decat ceea ce inseamna... Este simplu "este o alta lume intre paretii camerei mele"...
When I'm on my own, I can be who I want to... Este un alt vers care poate sa descrie toata melodia... Pe langa ca iubesc One Night Only [ca si trupa], iubesc si versurile lor....

Reclama este exact asa cum trebuia sa fie... adca totul se intampla in camerele unor adolescenti, carebeau coca-cola si care se fofileaza prin oglinda.. adica pe bune voi nu faceti asta?.. Sau va aruncati in pat cu castile in ureche... si sa traiesti in lumea ta?... YES YOU DO !!!
ohh boy si solistul? cum sa nu-ti placa. adica pana si lui Emma Watson i-a placut? mie cum sa nu-mi placa mai ales ca are si ceva carlionti? cum sa nu?...:D

Anyways listen the music...

When I'm on my own, I can be who I want to
There's another world on my bedroom walls
Can I get there someday,
Can I get there someday

It could be yours, the world we see
The future's ours, stand close to me
Here we are, our dreams in sight
We'll come together
Can you feel it tonight?
Can you feel it tonight?

So I ran for days
And now I found my way
And as the streets race past
I just won't look back
Can I make it someday,
Can I make it someday

It could be yours, the world we see
The future's ours, stand close to me
Here we are, our dreams in sight
We'll come together
Can you feel it tonight?
Can you feel it tonight?


It could be yours, the world we see
The future's ours, stand close to me
Here we are, our dreams in sight
We'll come together
Can you feel it tonight?
Can you feel it tonight?


  1. ahhh ce ma enervezi!!:)) mama frt sti cat am cautat melodia de la reclama la Coca Cola? nici nu ma gandeam ca o canta one night only:X
    e geniala ahh..:x

  2. eu prima oara cand am auzit-o la reclama am zis :ahhh astia sunt one night only... si cand am vazut ca am dreptate am sarit in sus de bucurie.. [daca ma vedeai]...


I'm really sorry but I'm not in any photo on my blog.
Anyway, I love all the comments you leave here, and I'm pretty sure they will make my day. Thank you! ❤ ❤