Friday, April 20, 2012

I can't choose what stays and what fades away.

Tomorrow I'm leaving... I'll leave this place full of hopeless, who led me in this confused situation. I don't even know how I should feel about this. Should I be totally messed up, or should I be happy. And it only comes in waves and then goes away, like I've never been there. Right now I'm standing in that fucking lobby, with my laptop, writing in here, and sometimes looking at that fucking door, for someone to come in. It never happens. In few hours I'll be in my car, driving somewhere I've been two years ago.

Maine plec... O sa parasesc acel loc lipsit de speranta, are m-a ondus in aceasta situatie confuza. Nici maar nu stiu cum ar trebui sa ma simt in aceasta situatie. Ar trebui sa fiu cu totul inurcata, sau ar trebui sa fiu fericita. Si totul vine numai in valuri, apoi dispare ca si um nici nu as fi fost aici. Chiar acuma stau in acest hol tampit, cu laptopul in brate, sriind ceva aici, si uneori uitandu-ma spre usa, asteptand sa intre cinevaaa. Niciodata nu se intampla. In cateva ore o sa fiu in masina, conducand spre un loc unde am mai fost si acum doi ani.


  1. Take me with you..
    Poți să fi mai fericită dacă ai avea un.. prieten[?!] cu tine.

    P.S. Leapșa de la mine. Leapșa mică, da` totuși leapșa. :))

  2. Hope wherever you're going it brings some of that confusion to an end!

    Alexandra xo

  3. Imi place ideea ta sa scrii si in engleza :*

  4. Maybe it's a good thing, change almost always works for me when I'm down.



I'm really sorry but I'm not in any photo on my blog.
Anyway, I love all the comments you leave here, and I'm pretty sure they will make my day. Thank you! ❤ ❤