Friday, July 27, 2012

Like a twisted game of blackjack.

-love this song so much, it almost hurts!-

I told you I wanted a new camera, and here it is. Last Friday my parents bought me a Nikon D3200. I wasn't sure what to pick, D3200 or D5100. The guy from the store told me that they are pretty much the same, just the D5100 is close to the professional cameras, and it's a little bit hard to use, but that wasn't a problem... The real problem was that i bought this D3200 with two Nikkor lens, at the same price the D5100, was only with the kit lens, and i already put my parents to exceed the budget... so i got the D3200. Although all of this, i'm very happy with it. I'm thinking about naming my camera. Does your camera have a name?
Now i'm done with gifts for this year or maybe for next year too. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

They've all got their opinions, but what do they know?

-addicted to this song!-

"Don't you think it's a sign?", she told me, very persuasive. "I tell you, everything is going to change when the fall comes down! You'll see!". She pissed me off. "You know it's not real!", I told her trying to stay cool. "What to be real? Your weakness?", she told relaxed, but inside i knew she felt a little bit betrayed. "No! Fuck! The situation! You know it's not going to happen! If you don't trust me, then how could i trust myself?", i told her with a incredible honesty in my voice. "You asked me to tell you what i think, and i did! I just think you're going to destroy everything! All the thing you've done!", she told disappointed. "Fine, we'll see when the time comes. Ok? We don't know what could happen!", i told her with an angry voice. "Change the subject!", i decided. 
"Nu crezi ca este un semn?", mi-a spus ea, foarte convingatoare. "Iti spun, totul o sa se schimbe de indata ce cade toamna! O sa vezi!" M-am enervat! "Stii ca nu este real!", i-am spus incercand sa nu ma enervez. "Ce sa fie real? Slabiciunea ta?", a spus relaxata, dar inauntru stiam sa se simtea putin tradata."NU! La naiba! Situatia! Stii ca nu se va intamla! Daca tu nu ai incredere in mine, cum as putea eu sa ma incred in mine insumi?", i-am spus cu o incredibila honestinate in voce. "M-ai rugat sa iti spun ceea ce cred, si am facut-o! Doar cred ca o sa distrugi tot! Toate lucrurile pe care le-ai facut!", mi-a spus dezamagita. "In fine. O sa vedem cand va venu timpul. Ok? Nu stim ce se poate intampla!"i-am spus cu o voce oarecum suparata. "Schimba subiectul!", am decis. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012


For English go down!

 Aici este o leapşă pe care am primit-o de la I'm yours şi Tavi. Mulţumesc şi scuze pentru întârziere. :)

1. Postează imaginea Liebster Blog Award
2. Spune 11 lucruri despre tine
3. Răspunde la întrebările adresate de cel care te-a nominalizat şi formulează un set nou de 11 întrebări pentru cei pe care îi nominalizezi
4. Nominalizează 11 persoane (+ link) care să realizeze acest tag
5. Mergi pe pagina lui şi anunţă-i
6. Nu da tag-ul înapoi !


2.  11 lucruri despre mine:
-sunt o visătoare incurabilă
-îmi place să ma plimb
-iubesc U.S.A şi aş vrea să mă mut acolo
-mă enervez repede
-iubesc animalele
-îmi place să dorm
-sunt leneşă
-îmi place să scriu poveşti fictive
-sunt spontana
-nu respect regulile.
-urăsc falsitatea şi minciunile

Întrebările de la I'm yours.
1. Care e numele tău adevărat?
Numele meu adevărat este Alexandra. :)
2. Cum te-ai descrie în 2-3 cuvinte?
 Mă simt bine în pielea mea.
3. Ce vârstă ai ?
14 anişori
4. Câteva pasiuni.
Fotografia, muzica, desenul, tehnologia, dormitul, plimbarile
5. Ai un film preferat?
Aş minţi dacă aş  spune da... De obicei mă uita la drame romantice, comedii şi S.F.-uri.
6. Ce gen de muzică asculți?
Rock, metal, indie şi hip-hop.
7. Ai o trupă preferată ?
 Nu. Ascult multe trupe. Depinde de starea mea de spirit.
8. Iubești?
Iubesc toate persoanele din viaţa mea.
9. Care blog îți place cel mai mult?
Nu am un blog preferat
10. Ce părere ai despre blogul wasted thoughts?
Îmi place ideea blogului vostru, şi iubesc să citesc noile postări. :)
11. Fără ce nu ai putea trăi ?
Fără aparatul meu foto.

 Întrebări de la Tavi:
1.Cum iti petreci marea parte a timpului?
Mai ales că este vară, mare parte a timpului stau acasă şi lenevesc sau ies afară.
2.Ce culoare au ochii tai?
3.Ce fel de haine porti?
De tote tipurile, dar cel mai important este să arăt bine în ele.
4.Iti place sa faci poze?
Iubesc să fac poze!
5.Ce fel de persoana esti?
6.Ce tip de muzica asculti?
Rock, indie şi hip-hop.
7.Ai un personaj de film preferat?
Nu. Dar în general îmi place personajele negative. :)
8.Ce intelegi prin cuvantul "iubire"?
Afecţiunea faţă de o persoana, căreia îi vrei numai binele.
9.Care a fost ultimul gest frumos pe care l-ai facut pentru cineva?
 I-am cedat ultima îngheţată sorei mele.
10.Care e numarul tau norocos?
Toate numerele impare, dar să zic că cel mai norocos este 9.
11.Ce parere ai despre oamenii care iti sunt apropiati?(familie,prieteni,etc.)?
Sunt nişte oameni minunaţi de care m-am ataşat foarte tare.

Întrebările mele:
1. Ultimul lucru ciudat pe care l-ai vazut.
2. Ce ai vrea să schimbi la tine?
3.Ai furat vreodata ceva?
4. Genul de muzica preferat.
5. Cartea care te-a impresionat cel mai tare.
6. Prima zi de şcoala/liceu. (depinde ce vreţi)
7.Ce preferi, vanilia sau ciocolata?
8. Ce moment din viaţă ai vrea să îl schimbi?
9. În ce loc din lume ţi-ar plăcea să locuieşti?
10. Ce animal ţi-ai dori să fii dacă te-ai reîncarna, şi de ce?
11. Momentul preferat al zilei. 

# Această leapșa merge mai departe la :
1. Nude
2. Emma

 The English part!
Here are some questions from I'm yours and Tavi. Thank you!

1. Post Liebster Blog Award image.
2. Tell 11 things about you.
3. Answer to the 11 questions, the author gave you, and after make another 11 questions.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers (+link), to answer to questions.
5. Tell them about this questionnaire.
6. Don't give the link back to the person that nominated you!

First of all 11 things about me:
-i'm a dreamer
-i like to go in trips
-i love USA and i want to move there
-i get angry very fast
-i love animals
-i love to sleep
-i'm lazy
-i like to write
-i'm spontaneous
- i'm not following the rules
-i hate fake people and lies

Questions from I'm yours :
1.What's your real name?
2. Describe yourself in 2-3 words.
Feel good in my skin!
3. How old are you?
14 years old. :)
4. Some passions.
Photography, music, drawing, technology, sleeping, walks
5. Do you have a favorite movie?
I would lie if would say yes. Usually i watch drama, comedy and S.F.'s.
6. What kind of music do you listen?
Rock, metal, indie and hip-hop.
7. Do you have a favorite band?
No. I listen to a lot of bands. It depends on my mood.
8. Do you love?
I love all the people in my life.
9. What's your favorite blog?
I love a lot of blogs.
10. What do you think about  wasted thoughts blog?
I love your idea. Always enjoy to read the new posts.:)
11. Without what think you can't live?
My camera! :x

Questions from Tavi:
1. How you spend your time?
Now that's summer I stay home and do nothing or go out.
2. What color are your eyes?
3. What kind of clothes do you wear?
Any kind of clothes, but the most important thing is that i must look good in them.
 4. Do you like taking photos?
I love to take photos!
5.What kind of person you are?
6. What kind of music you listen?
Rock, metal, indie and hip-hop.
7. Do you have a favorite character?
No, i don't, but usually i love the negative ones. :)
8. What do you mean by "love"?
Affection for a person whom you only want good.
9. What was the last nice you've done?
I gave the last ice-cream to my sister.
10.What's your lucky number?
9 is my lucky number.
11. What do you thing about your close ones?
They're all wonderful people, and i love them.

My questions:
1.The last strange thing you saw.
2. What would you like to chance to you appearance?
3. Did you ever stole something?
4.What kind of music you like?
5. What book impressed you?
6. First day of school/highschool? (pick one)
7.What you prefer, vanilla or chocolate?
8. What moment of your life would you like to change?
9. In what place of the world would you like to live?
10. What animal would you like to be and why?
11. What moment of the day you enjoy the most?

Those questions go to everyone that wants to take them.
 For me was fun, so i hope that a lot of people will enjoy to do this.:)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My innocence is all gone.

Her life is full of joy, but she still feel empty like hell! She decided to cut her hair short, like they always told her she looks great. All her beauty shows off. She's beautiful, with her young cheeks, red lips, tanned skin, and dark eyes. Every step of hers, feels like a thorn that's stabbing her skin. She put herself in bed. Ghost from past are hunting her. Outside are more than 40 degrees, but she pulled over the pillow, and started to sweat. The smell, of sweat got her a nauseous feeling in her throat. Even with all of this, she fell asleep, cause' she wanted to escape from this world.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tell Jesus the bitch is back.

-you should totally listen to this song. love example!-

I've took my train, now let's see where it takes me. This is one of the best tings i could have done. I've got where i wanted. It looks like the computer loved me! Now i'm a high(school)girl. Damn it, i never thought i'd ever say that! Now i'm going to let destiny do it's own business. I'm not going to think at what's coming next, because it gives you expectation, and usually when you have expectation, you end-p being disappointed. I'm not going to let it come to me again. I'm done with all melodrama thing. 

Otherwise, i told ya that i'm going to buy a new camera. I'm thinking to take a Nikon D3200 or a D5100. I'm not sure yet, so if you can give an advice, or tell what camera is best, just leave a comment. 
 Oh, and i almost forgot, thank you all for the comments on my lasts post. That was huge surprise. Thank you.

Am luat trenul, iar acuma doar voi astepta sa vad unde ma va duce. Asta este unul dintre lucrurile pe care as fi putut sa le fac cel mai bine. Am intrat unde am vrut. La Spiru'! Se pare ca computerul m-a iubit. Acuma sunt o fata de liceu (adica, da, fite..:) ). La naiba, nu am crezut niciodata ca am sa spun asta... Acum am sa las destinul sa isi faca treaba. Nu am sa ma gandesc la ce urmeaza, pentru ca imi aduce asteptari, si de obicei cand ai asteptari, de cele mai multe ori, sfarsesti prin a fi dezamagit. Nu am sa las asta sa ajunga la mine din nou. Am terminat cu toata melodrama.

Pe de alta parte, v-am spus ca o sa imi cumpar un nou aparat foto. M-am gandit sa imi iau un Nikon D3200 sau un D5100. Nu sunt inca sigura, asa ca, daca aveti sa imi dati un sfat, sau sa imi spuneti care este mai buna, doar lasati un comentariu.
A si aproape am uitat, va multumesc tuturor celor care mi-au lasat comentarii la ultimele postari. Multumesc!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Until we disappear again.

-listen to this song! please! it's awesome!-

She took the glass in her hand. In just a second it broke into little peaces, and blood started to came out. "Put it under cold water", told her, someone. Without any second thoughts, she go to the bathroom, and without looking at her hand, she put it under the water. She couldn't feel any pain. The blood was on the white sink. "Stop it! It will make it even worst", told her an older women. Blood stopped to flow. She put on a bandage. The image in front of her eyes got dark, and her ears started to peep. She felt her body heavy like a stone, and the next thing she knows, are some strong arms helping her get up. She passed out.
Did you ever pass out? Do you remember a thing? Are you a hemofobic?


Friday, July 6, 2012

Not a damn thing running through my young mind.

I love summertime cuz I love all the parties
Finishing kegs and crushing bottles of Bacardi
Can't go to work I'd rather lay up with a hottie
Single doesn't mean I'm lookin' for somebody
We gon' live it up feel like this, feel like love
And we on top so come with us
If you gon' roll then lift your cup
Thank god for the new hits
Walking down the beach and hearing my own music
Couldn't feel better
Cutie on my right bad as ever
And my homie told me I could never get her, get her, get her, get her
Yup I can't even explain the feeling doing nothing
But just chilling with your gang

Hey yo, sweethearts.
This is a fuckin' good song. I haven't heard something this good for some time. This should have much more views on YouTube, but unfortunately people always like to listen to commercial shits.
 Felt immediately in love.  Sammy Adams reminds me of someone I had a big crush on. Hi hi hi. Summertime....Summertime.
You have to listen to this.
What do you think about the song, and the guy? huh?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Takin' trips around the sun.

I've been gone to the sea, for a little bit of while... I love the sea. Love the salty water, waves, the sun that's shining all around. I just feel like I belong to the sea, like I was born there. I've got a beautiful tan, that shows off all my beautiful sides, like my tiger eyes. This little vacation really helped me, because la Friday, I found out about my exams, witch are really good (8.95 and 9.70. Yey I got 9.70 at math. I told ya it's not gonna be that hard). I've made a lot of photos, and some of them are really good. My parents told me that they're going to buy me a new camera, a D-SLR, witch is very good, because I'm into photography! So if you have some suggestions, about some good cameras, and not professional ones, more like consumer, let me know. I'm going to leave you with some photos I've made. I hope you like the pictures I've made. Anyway, thank you all for the comments on my last post, and for all of your support. It really helped!

Some sun flower on a field.

I don't really know what's this, but I like it!

A  cow. Mwuuu!

Blurry sunflower.

Abandoned barns.

Abandoned old buildings.

Safety matches. I liked the box. :)

A building near my grandpa cemetery.

This is a ship with a city named "Constanta", witch is near a resort named Mamaia, who sound like Miami, but they are absolutely different.

This is a cool thing I found on a tree.

Clear sky of summer.

The sun dying, behind hotels.

My outfit

My beloved sea!

An old Cadillac.

Moon and some seagulls.

Again the sea.

La cucaracha! La cucaracha... Na, na, na, nanana.

The sea.

Some white shells.


Look at that guy's sombrero. Damn, I want one of those! ;)

And here is a little pony. this guy and some other, and taking them all day long on the beach, for people to make photo with the pony. I feel sorry for the animals because they're torturing them. Damn!

Look, how sweet is this little boy.

And here is a sand castle.

Some waves.

This is a dead crab. Sorry dude. I haven't done this.

My favorite ice cream. Bitte chocolate, mint and lemon. Miamy.

This hotel is nice huh? It's a long story. I just liked how it looks.

Look at this dude tattoo. It's awesome.

Some fucked up building.

A rescue guy.

The angry sea.

A nice dog, playing with his owner. Nice!

A nice girl smiling.

This shell looks awesome!

This is what the gipsy people are doing...

Another little cute girl.


An old building on the sea.

The sea in the night.

Shells trough the water.

Another wave

A little ship.

My henna dreamcatcher tattoo.But it's such a shame, that now after 4 days it's already gone... :(. I want it backkk.... It supposed to last 3 mouths. I'm upset because I've paid for it like 20 euros, witch is a lot in my country. I'll never do a shit like this again. I'm very mad of them! Rwwwrrr!
 (oh and the design was made by me, because they didn't had a dreamcatcher.)

Look at this seagull.

A sand castle made by some girl.

 My tattoo after a day, You can see the blurred color.

Here is something I found in the sea.

So that's it. See you next time.
