Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lie down, you know it's easy like we did it all summer long.

-take 37 min of your precious time and listen to this awesome/beautiful/wonderful album!-

I know it's a little bit late, but this is how i am. It's not the thing that i forgot or something, i just didn't know what to write about. (even now, i still don't know, but i guess i'll figure something out).
5th of August - Happy Birth - Day Mom!
19th of August - Happy Birth - Day Dad!
I love you both so much, and whenever i stupid things remember i'm still young. I'm so lucky i have this two cool adults around me, who show me how to live life with a big smile on my face whatever, even if outside is raining. I couldn't ask God for more! Sometimes i'm so foolish, stingy and ungrateful for what i got in my life. 
“Being happy is a choice" - Demi Lovato.
(and happy b-day for 20th anniversary!)

Ştiu că este cam târziu, dar aşa sunt eu. Nu este vorba că am uitat sau ceva, eu pur şi simplu nu am ştiu ce să scriu. (nici măcar acuma nu ştiu ce am să scriu în continuare, dar cred că pur şi simplu am să găsesc eu ceva.)
5 August – La Multi Ani Mama
19 August – La Multi Ani Tata
Vă iubesc pe amandoi aşa de tareee, iar atunci când fac lucruri prosteşti trebuie să va aduceţi aminte că sunt încă tânără. Sunt aşa de norocoasă că am doi adulţi cool lângă mine, care îmi arată cum trebuie viaţa trăită cu un mare zâmet pe faţă, chiar şi atunci când afară plouă. Nu aş putea să îl rog pe Dumnezeu să îmi dea mai mult! Câteodată mă port prosteşte, sunt zgârcită şi nerecunoscătoare pentru tot ce am în viaţa mea.
„Să fii fericit este o alegere” – Demi Lovato.  
(şi la mulţi ani pentru a 20-a aniversare!)


  1. I love my parent so much too...happy bday to your parent:)

    have a good day;)
    EDGYMIX Bloglovin

  2. Belated birthday wishes to your parents!!
    They are indeed our ultimate source of everlasting Love :)
    Thank you for the lovely comments on my posts :)

    ❤Not Just My Allegories❤

  3. Aw happy bday to both your parents!

    Alexandra xo

  4. Such a beautiful and positive quote! It made my day! Thank you so much dear!


  5. Iar tu engleza :) Minunata postarea.Felicitari pentru asa parinti.Ma bucur pentru tine.Si da,intradevar fericirea depinde numai de noi.Te astept cu drag si pe la mine.:*

  6. I like your background! :))
    thanx <3

  7. belated happy birthday to your parents, those quotes are inspiring! <3

    Letters To Juliet

  8. yes, you're right. and parents (two most important adults for teenager) creates the people that we are :)

  9. Coolest Blog I've ever seen!! thanks Lexxie! Lets keep in touch hahha!

  10. That's such a lovely post! Birthday wishes to your parents and may they have many more! Great blog by the way, LOVE the picture of Zac Efron in your sidebar.. I also love your blog description, very true. So I'm now your newest follower! Maybe you'd stop by my blog too and do the same if you like it? :)


  11. thanx, thanx <3
    grat post and cool photos! :))


I'm really sorry but I'm not in any photo on my blog.
Anyway, I love all the comments you leave here, and I'm pretty sure they will make my day. Thank you! ❤ ❤