Friday, November 9, 2012

I know your face all too well, still I wake up alone.

(love this band so much. their new album is so hot!)

I still feel the music in my ears, and the smoke in my chest. Last night feels like a dream. The most hallucinating dream  I've ever had. Thought it was painful to see M. (I found out what his name is-the guy i like) dancing with 10 or so, different girls, but what ever. "Can you introduce me to some freshman?", he told my best-friend's (E.) friend. Fucking twat! I was standing almost next to him, and when I heard such a thing, I fuck off from the dance floor, for like 15 minutes, and talked with E., that was hart broken because of another guy. I left to the bathroom with L. She hugged me with her skinny arms, and started to cry: "A. what I've done? I'm so stupid. What I'm going to do now? She's upset on me. I didn't meant to do it. You believe me? Tell me you do!". And I do. I know she didn't meant it. It just happened.

 Încă pot simţi muzica în urechi, şi fumul în pieptul meu. Noaptea trecută a fost ca un vis. Cel mai  halucinant  vis pe are l-am avut vreodată. Chiar dacă a fost dureros să îl vad pe M. (am aflat cum îl cheama pe tipul de care îmi place) dansând cu 10 (sau chiar mai bine de) fete diferite, dar îmi este indiferent. “Poţi să îmi faci cunoştinţă cu câteva boboace?”, el  l-a întrebat pe prietenul, prietenei mele cele mai bune (E.). Al naibii de idiot! Stăteam  prope de el, dar când am auzit aşa ceva, m-am cărat de pe ringul de dans, pentru aproximativ 15 minute, ca să vorbesc cu E. care avea inima rupta în două din cauza unui alt tip. M-am dus la baie cu L, iar ea m-a luat în braţe şi a început să plângă: "A., ce am făcut? Sunt aşa de proastă. Ce o să fac acum? S-a suparat pe mine, ştiu. Nu am intenţionat să o fac. Mă crezi? Spune-mi că mă crezi!". Eu o cred. Ştiu că nu a intenţionat să o facă. Doar s-a întâmplat.


  1. Of , ai grija cu tipul asta dar cred ca stii tu mai bine ce trebuie sa faci..Mult noroc , ai mare grija de tine ! :*

  2. I'm in love of the first picture ! kisses from Paris

  3. Let's see if I understand your posting, Lexxie.

    M, the boy you like, was on the dance floor, dancing with all the girls. Apparently you were near him as were your best friend, E, and E's friend, L. I guess you all were trying to get M's attention. Nothing wrong with that.

    Somehow L succeeded in getting M's attention first. M asked L to introduce him to other freshman girls. You and E hear M's request and immediately leave the dance floor. I'm guessing E had hoped to get M's attention for herself, and E must have gotten angry that M spoke to L. (Fortunately, you're more stoic than E, and you took M's speaking with L in stride.)

    L then got upset because E was angry, and you and L went into the women's room together. L cried and asked you what she could do to mollify E's anger.

    Here's what I don't understand. L did nothing wrong, did she? E shouldn't have gotten angry at L. If E should have gotten angry at anyone, she should have gotten angry at M, right?

    What did I miss?

    1. Well the story is actually a little bit different than you thought it was...
      M is the guy I like, and I'm the only one that does from us 3.(me and my best friends L and E). E liked a guy who suddenly kissed L on the dance floor, and that's why she was heart broken. L didn't realized who the guy was until they ended the kiss, and that's why she cried in my arms, and felt bad for what she did.
      And how I said that night was hallucinating.
      Thank you for your long-long comment. ❤ ❤

  4. beautiful blog kisses

  5. Thanks,for the follow,dear.
    Follow you back on gfc.

  6. your writing is wonderful, i can't stop scrolling down :)
    (although it's quite weird, reading backwards)


I'm really sorry but I'm not in any photo on my blog.
Anyway, I love all the comments you leave here, and I'm pretty sure they will make my day. Thank you! ❤ ❤