Sunday, September 23, 2012

In the right place, suddenly I will play my ace.

Well, dear Rider, you wanted to know about my first week of school, and you also said "I'm betting you're the most popular and good-looking girl in your class."  Let's see... I'd like to stay true, cause there's no point on lying, so i got to tell you that i'm not the most popular in my class, and about good-looking, it depends on who you're asking. Well it's been only one week of school, and every single second counts. ✖ My first impression was pretty good, but you know once you spend much more time with people you start to see the real them. Kinds in my class are super chill out, and friendly, boys are a little bit immature but cool, and girl have high expectations. ✖  I'm most of the time quiet and maybe that's why i'm not "popular", but anyhow i only need a little bit of time to accommodate with everything around.

Ei bine, dragă Rider, ai vrut să ştii cum a decurs prima mea săptămână de şcoală, şi de asemenea ai mai spus şi "Pariez că eşti cea mai populară şi ce amai drăguţă fată de la tine din  clasă." Păi să vedem-.. Mi-ar plăcea să păstrz totul adevărat, pentru că nu are nici un rost să mint, aşa că trebuie să va spun că nu sunt cea mai populară fată din clasă, iar despre cea mai drăguţă, depinde de pe cine întrebi. A trecut doar o singură săptămână, iar fiecare secundă contează. ✖  Prima mea impresie a fost destul de bună, dar ştiţi şi voi odată ce ajungi să stai cu cineva mai multă vreme începi să vezi adevărata faţă a oamenilor.. Copii de la mine din clasa sunt super relaxaţi, şi prietenoşi, băieţii sunt un pic imaturi dar glumeţi, iar fetele are aşteptări mari. ✖ În mare parte a timpului sunt tăcută, poate de asta sunt "nepopulară", dar oricum eu am nevoie doar de puţin timp ca să mă acomodez cu tot ce este în jurul meu.

P.S.: I'm not in any photos on my blog.


  1. Well, my Faraway Friend, I appreciate your posting. It's good to know that your classmates are laid back and friendly. That the boys are cool. And that the girls are achievement-oriented.

    Now I'll let you in on a little secret about us guys. We're always immature, like the guys in your class. No matter what our ages are.

    You'll do well this year, Ms. Lexxie. Both academically and socially. I can promise you that.

  2. avy's right! being popular isn't the most important thing - i had to learn that as well. :)

    btw - i moved my blog. would be amazing if you'd follow the new one as well.

    bonnie + kleid

  3. lovely blog!
    and cute post! i'm curious at your next one!

    big kisses, sarah!

  4. Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.




I'm really sorry but I'm not in any photo on my blog.
Anyway, I love all the comments you leave here, and I'm pretty sure they will make my day. Thank you! ❤ ❤