Suna bestial....
Nu am mai auzit niciodata melodia asta sunand asa de bine. Doamne ma treceau niste fiori si ochii mi se umpleau de lacrimi.
Negresa aceea este bestiala, si corul si tot.
Ma obisnuisem cu melodia asta cantata asa mai rock si cu videoclipu' ala cu fata si baiatu' care se tineau in brate si se pupaceau pe acolo, si acvariul ala cu pesti, si toate cele 21 de gloante, si toate restul, dar acuma in capul meu este o alta viziune. Cand incepe sa cante si vad corul, si negresa aia care are mana pusa la piept, care zici ca moare pentru melodie [ceea ce este ff bine]...
Si vocea bestiala a lui billie joe, e prea... se potriveste perfect. Si vioara sa nu uitam de vioara... o iubesc. Iar apoi incepe chitara si tobele si totul devine prea angelic pentru mine :(
Am ramas fascinata.
Mai vreau inca o data play... hai mai incepe odata...
PS: daca nu ascultati sunteti niste fraieri !!!! :P
Someone: Beautiful, beautiful.!
Billie Joe: it again! hahaha
Cum am mai zis nu am putut sa ma abtin sa nu o pun. Iarasi m-am imbolnavit cu GreenDay. Iarasi e ca un drog pentru mine. Zi si noapte GreenDay. Totusi e mai bine asa. Acuma ma rockuiesc'.
Nu am auzit niciodata pana acuma melodia asta, care mi-a placut ff tare. Cu toate ca este pe canalul VEVO, de pe YouTube, eu nu am gasit-o niciodata, ceea ce ma scoate din sarite.
Lyrics-ul este ff clar asa ca nu mai am nimic de adaugat.
[Part 1]
I'm the son of rage and love. The Jesus of Suburbia, from the bible of none of the above,on a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin. No one ever died for my sins in hell, as far as I can tell. At least the ones I got away with.
And there's nothing wrong with me. This is how I'm supposed to be, in a land of make believe, that don't believe in me.
Get my television fixed. Sitting on my crucifix. The living room or my private womb, while the Moms and Brads are away to fall in love and fall in debt, to alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane, to keep me insane, doing someone else's cocaine.
And there's nothing wrong with me. This is how I'm supposed to be, in a land of make believe, that don't believe in me.
[Part 2: City Of The Damned]
At the center of the Earth in the parking lot of the 7-11 where I was taught, the motto was just a lie. It says home is where your heart is but what a shame cause everyone's heart, doesn't beat the same, it's beating out of time.
City of the dead. At the end of another lost highway. Signs misleading to nowhere. City of the damned lost children with dirty faces today, no one really seems to care.
I read the graffiti in the bathroom stall, like the holy scriptures of the shopping mall and so it seemed to confess it didn't say much, but it only confirmed that.The center of the earth, is the end of the world, and I could really care less.
City of the dead. At the end of another lost highway. Signs misleading to nowhere. City of the damned lost children with dirty faces today, no one really seems to care.
[Part 3: I Don't Care]
I don't care if you don't... I don't care if you don't... I don't care if you don't care. [X4]
I don't care !!!
Everyone is so full of shit. Born and raised by hypocrites. Hearts recycled but never saved from the cradle always to the grave. We are the kids of war and peace, from Anaheim to the middle east. We are the stories and disciples of the Jesus of suburbia, land of make believe, and that don't believe in me. Land of make believe, and I don't believe, and I don't care! I don't care! [x4]
[Part 4: Dearly Beloved]
Dearly beloved are you listening? I can't remember a word that you were saying are we demented or am I disturbed? The space that's in between insane and insecure. Oh, therapy, can you please fill the void? Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed. Nobody's perfect and I stand accused for lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse.
[Part 5: Tales Of Another Broken Home]
To live and not to breathe is to die in tragedy. To run, to run away to find what you believe, and I leave behind this hurricane of fucking lies.
I lost my faith to this town that don't exist. So I run. I run away, to the light of masochist, and I leave behind this hurricane of fucking lies. And I walked this line a million and one fucking times, but not this time.
I don't feel any shame. I won't apologize.
When there ain't nowhere you can go, running away from pain. When you've been victimized tales from another broken home.
PS: pana acuma ziceam ca melodiile sunt prea scurte cand au doar 3 minute, iar acuma am gasit in sf una care sa tin app11 minute, iar in felul asta o sa te saturi fff greu de ea.
Trebuie sa mai spun ca imi place la nebunie melodia pt ca este ceva gen "hard-rock".
THE SAINT JIMMY, este ff dragut, iar la inceput chiar am crezut ca e solistu', dar cand l-au dat mai de-a proape, am vazut ca este si mult mai dragut, iar ochii aia albastrii , sunt fucking beautiful.
As fi zis ca a fst o zi normala, plictistoare, care voiai sa se termine mai repede, dar supriza !!!
Trebuie trecuta in calendar! Azi 29.04.2011...
Nu imi vine sa cred ca pana acuma nu am sarit in sus, sau nu am inceput sa tip de nebuna, nu am facut nici un lucru anormal, m-am purtat normal, dar inauntrul meu era ca un fel de foc de artificii, de toate culorile. Ziceam ca inainte imi era foame, dar dupa nu am mai avut nevoie de nimic, absolut nimic.
Mi se inmuiasera picioarele, nici nu mai tin minte ce am zis, pt ca eram prea coplesita de toata situatia. Faceam mai demult niste glume cu "valu/", ehh acuma a fst ceva de genu', a venit valu' si m-a inundat :)).
Inca sunt in culmea fericirii, dar parca atunci cand incerc sa scot un tipat de bucurie, sa sar ca nebuna nu pot.
Yapz. Guns N' Roses, imi place melodia aia si mai ales solu-ul ala de la inceput. Cu toate ca melodia este veche inca te incanta cand o auzi. Stiu ca nu sunt eu o baba si ca eu deabea incep sa invat ce este muzica si cu ce se mananca, si cat de frumoasa este, dar macar am un simt care detecteaza o melodie buna, care o sa ajunga celebra, de la kilometrii....
Ceea ce imi place la trupa asta ff tare este faptul ca rock-ul a cam inceput cu ei.. Adica vreau sa zic hard rock-ul unde se aude chitara clar, si imi mai place si faptul ca au fst diferiti, fara scrupule, si mai aratau si bine..
Mie imi place tot ceea ce este diferit, si ceea ce tine de acest cuvant diferit, iar pentru asta imi place trupa asta.
Iubesc bass-ul de la inceput [pt cei care nu stiu bass-ul este chitara aceea cu 4 corzi:))]. Imi place la nebunie cum suna vocea lu' asata de zici ca e sugrumat. Coloana sonora este al naibii de bine aleasa, iar melodia este fantastica....
Nu stiu dar si videoclip-ul imi palce la nebunie... tot skating-ul si graffurile alea si toata petrecerea aia. Asta este sufletul tinerilor. Ptrecearea, si felul cum pot ei ca din casa aia vai de mama ei, vandalizata, inghesiuta, unde ei se pot distra bine mersi. Nu trebuie sa fie un club de fite unde dai mai multi bani pe bautura decat ai dat pe hainele de pe tine.... faza cea mai tare este ca nu conteaza cine esti pe strada ci cine esti tu inlauntrul tau...
bautura+trupa+adolescenti in floarea varstei=party
Monday, April 18, 2011
If you're convinced that you're not good enough, you'll have a difficult time accepting someone into your life who thinks you are.
Don't screw up the best thing that ever happened to you just because you're a little unsure about who you are.
Forget the risk and take the fall, if it's what you want then it's worth it all.
I know we've had our differences and I'm sorry we've been out of touch. Believe it or not, I was trying to make everything better. I know you're angry and I hope you'll forgive me. It turns out, sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right
But as human beings, sometimes it's better to stay in the dark, because in the dark there may be fear, but there's also hope.
I just want to be the girl you talk about, the only one you couldn't live without... to be the one who makes your heart beat crazy, and for you to say to your boys, "she's my baby."
In the end you're just a typical guy, dragging a girl along, because you're not really sure what you want.
And I bet you didn't know that before I fall asleep, you're all i think about and that as soon as I wake up, I can't get you out of my mind. I bet you didn't know I love you because that's just how much you don't care.
It’s not about what you do. It’s about who you are. It’s not about who you are right now. It’s about who you could be. It’s not about what could go wrong. It’s about what will go right. It’s not about listening. It’s about getting up and dancing.
Wanna tell you a secret and leave it on your lips. Wanna sing it through your body wanna tell it through this kiss. If I told you my secret would you swear to keep it?
When people turn their back on you is when you realize who really believes in you.
It kills me to know you're online and you won't talk to me. It's just time I realize that I don't mean anything to you.. and never really did...
Everytime that you hurt me. Everytime I felt pain. Every lie that you told me, made me who I am today.
If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she wont be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy.
Sometimes the person you want the most, is the person that you are best without.
Everyone will eventually hurt you. Your job is to take care of yourself and not be surprised.
Sometimes it takes being away from someone for a while to realize how much you really need them in your life.
The sooner you realize things will never be the same, the sooner you can finally move on.
Imi place video la nebunie, toata petrcerea aia de pe plaja, putin cam perversa, dar melodia este asa mai regge, si suna bestial. Mi-a placut de prima oara cand am ascultat-o.
Promisiuni asta stiu asta sa faca...
Ma rog ma supar degeaba... Oricujm mie imi place la nebunie melodia si de vreo 1 ora o ask in continuu', stii cei aia?
Imi place cel mai tare faza in care zice Boy you're crazy? neah I Shwayze...
Am cateodata niste faze care ma ingrozesc si pe mine.
Imi dau lacrimile fara nici un motiv si nu pot sa le opresc. Atunci ma navalesc tot felul de idei, tot felul de ganduri de care mi-e frica, toate ideile mele de care imi este frica, la care nu vreau sa ma gandesc pentru ca am un sentiment ciudat ca se pot indeplini, toate gandurile mele in care pied tot ce am si tot ce nu am avut niciodata, si nici nu o sa am. Mie frica de aceste idei, si nu stiu cum sa le opresc sa imi ajunga in cap si ma invadeze, sa ma devoreze pe dinauntru. E nasoala chestia...
Cred ca acuma este unul din momentele astea, cand lacrimile chiar imi navalesc in ochi. Ma port prosteste si vreau sa ma ascund, dar parca atunci fiecare vrea ceva de la viata mea, si ma descopera...apoi eu cad ca intr-un fel de moleseala, nu am chef de nimic, stau intru-un colt al camerei, cu picioarele indoite si imcerc sa le strang cat mai tare cu mainile. Atunci parca fiecare se uita la mine amenintator.
Nu mai suport asta. M-am saturat
Dupa ce o sa cititi asta o sa vi se para cat se poate de straniu, si de prostesc, dar pe mine ma enerveaza la culme.
Este pur si simplu prea fumuasa melodia, si mult-mult prea sentimentala.
Nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu plang pentru ca iti intra in suflet...
Adele este una dintre solistele mele preferate.
Este genul de melodie cu care ma hranesc, pentru ami face lacrimile sa mi se scurga pe obrajii mei asprii. Este genul de melodie care te hraneste, care te satura, care te face sa suferi, care te face sa inveti din greseli, care te face sa vezi ca viata este plina de urcusuri si coborasuri...
Nu stiu dar adele este ca un exemplu pentru mine, si imi place ca are vocea asta asa de calda, si in aceelasi timp asa de puternica...:x
[Ma rog nu cred că toată lumea ştie cât îl iubesc pe Leo :x... pur si simplu are faţa aia a lui aşa de drăguţă. E genul ăla de băiat cu faţa foarte dura, care te atrage prin trăsăturile lui, prin felul lui şmecher de a fi.. ahhh :x:x:x.. deja e prea mult pentru mine :d]
OK. Şi să revenim la kiss me.. nu e mare lucru.. adică nici nu vă mai gândiţi la asta...
Îmi e greu şi acum să ma exprim şi habar nu am de ce... Adică habar nu am ce să zic. De fapt am multe de zis, dar pur şi simplu nu ştiu cum să le aranjez, cum să le formulez... fuck !!!..
Noua melodie a lu' Katy Perry se intituleaza E.T. si este in featuring cu Kanye West. Este pur si simplu geniala, iar versurile sunt alese al naibii de bine.
Nu sunt cine stie ce fan a lui Katy, dar melodia asta ma inebuneste, mi-a intrat in cap, mai ales strofa asta :
Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me! Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me! Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction.
Boy, you’re an alien. Your touch are foreign, it’s supernatural. Extraterrestrial.
Am aflat de melodia asta din ziua cand a aparut pe YouTube, [pt ca sunt un fan inrait al YouTub-ului]... si mi-a placut din prima. Am dat-o mai departe si din ziua respectiva, si chiar in seara aia a aparut pe un blog :D...
Eu am preferat sa mai astept pana apare videoclip-ul, pentru ca imi place sa ma uit la ele. Si se pare ca a meritat asteptarea
Alt vers care mi-a ramas in minte este acela cand Kanye zice ceva de genu :they call me a alien"...
Ehh cu melodia asta pot sa spun ca o iubesc pe Katy. Mi-au mai placut de la ea si alte melodii, dar nici una ca asta, sau poate pe aproabe teenager dream, dar doar atata...
Cat poate Katy sa arate la sf videoclipului, asa de machiata. Nu am zis niciodata ca este urata, nu doamne fereste. Chair imi place. Numai ca acolo arata grozav.
Vocea lui Kayne se potriveste de minune si da o alta forma melodiei....Katy Perry- E.t Lyrics Remix (feat. Kanye West) [Kanye West - Verse 1] I got a dirty mind I got filthy ways. I’m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky way. I’m a legend I’m irreverent. I’ll be reverend. I’ll be so faaaaa-ar up. We dont give a fuuuh-uh-uck. Welcome to the danger zone. Step into the fantasy. You are not invited to the other side of sanity. They callin me an alien a big headed astronaut. Maybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lot [Katy Perry]
You’re so hypnotizing. Could you be the devil, could you be an angel.
Your touch magnetizing. Feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing. They say be afraid. You’re not like the others. Futuristic lover. Different DNA, they don’t understand you. Your from a whole other world. A different dimension. You open my eyes, and I’m ready to go, lead me into the light. Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me! Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me! Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction Boy, you’re an alien. Your touch are foreign, it’s supernatural. Extraterrestrial. Your so supersonic. Wanna feel your powers. Stun me with your lasers. Your kiss is cosmic, every move is magic.
Your from a whole other world. A different dimension. You open my eyes, and I’m ready to go, lead me into the light.
[Kanye West - Verse 2] I know a bar out in mars, where they driving spaceships instead of cars. Cop a prada space suit about the stars. Getting stupid hah straight up out the jars, pockets on shrek, rockets on deck.Tell me whats next? Alien sex. Imma disrobe you, then Imma probe you. See I abducted you, so I tell you what to do [Katy Perry]
Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me! Infect me with your love and Fill me with your poison. Take me, ta-ta-take me! Wanna be a victim. Ready for abduction.
Boy, you’re an alien. Your touch are foreign, it’s supernatural. Extraterrestrial. Extraterrestrial. Extraterrestrial.
Boy, you’re an alien. Your touch so foreign, it’s supernatural. Extraterrestrial.
Astea au fost genul acela de poze pe care le cauţi atunci când eşti plictist şi nu ai nici un chef de nimic. Acestea sunt poze care te fac sa te opreşti la ele, si te uiţi la cel mai mic detaliu, la simplitatea lor care le face aşa de frumoase. Nu ştiu daca vouă vă plac asemenea poze, simple, draguţe, care iţi atrag atenţia, dar mie imi plac la nebunie..
I don’t wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest
Or the girl who never wants to be alone
I don’t wanna be that call at 4 o’clock in the morning
‘Cause I’m the only one you know in the world that won’t be home
Ahhhh-Ahhh, the sun is blinding
I stayed up again
Oh, I’m finding
That’s not the way I want my story to end
I’m safe up high,
Nothing can touch me
Why do I feel this party’s over?
No pain inside
You’re my protection
But how do I feel this good sober?
I don’t wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence..
The quiet scares me ’cause it screams the truth
Please don’t tell me that we had that conversation
‘Cause I won’t remember, save your breath ’cause what’s the use?
Ahhhh-Ahhh, the night is calling
And it whispers to me softly, “come play”
I am falling
And if I let myself go, I’m the only one to blame
I’m safe up high,
Nothing can touch me
But why do I feel this party’s over?
No pain inside
You’re like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?
When it’s good, then it’s good
It’s all good ’till it goes bad
‘Till you try to find the you that you once had
I have heard myself cry, never again!
Broken down in agony
Just trying to find a friend
I’m safe up high,
Nothing can touch me
Why do I feel this party’s over?
No pain inside
You’re like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?
I’m safe up high, nothing can touch me
Why do I feel this party’s over?
Why do I feel this party’s over?
No pain inside, you’re like perfection
But how do I feel this good sober?
Why do I feel this party’s over?
Will I ever feel this good sober?
Da intradevăr Pink este una dintre favoritele mele. Adică este genul de femeie întrăzneaţă, fără scrupule, fără temeri, apare în videoclipuri mai dezbrăcată, dar niciodată nu ţi se poate părea ca poate fi vulgar, pentru că chiar nu poate, este genul de femeie care trăieşte viaţa din plin, îî place să rişte, are o groză de tatuaje care înseamna lucruri speciale (cel mai mult imi place dragonul acela de pe picior), si dacă până şi lu' mama îî place, atunci e de bine.
Mai toată lumea o ştie pe Pink, pentru felul ei de-a fi. Niciodată nu o să poţi să zici că Pink este o vampă, indiferent cat de adancă are crapatura la rochie, sau cat de scurtă este bluza, pentru simplul fapt ca are acea faţă, care mie mi se pare draguţă, foarte dură.
PS: ştiaţi că Pink este însarcinată?... Iată dovada !
Dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty sucker You think I can't get her like you you motherfucker
Am descoperit melodia asta a lui Jessi J, acum puţin timp, şi mă tot chinui să'mi aduc aminte când sunt în faţa calculatorului să o descarc pt. că mereu uit. Uituca de mine :d
Şi pentru că în seara asta mi'am adus aminte de ea am să o descarc.
Am rams uimita cand joi, la ora de sport pe care nu am făcut'o, am auzit de sus de la 8C, do it like a dude. Stateam eu aşa cuminţică şi ascultam. Deci se pare că nu sunt singura obsedată de Jessie, (mai nou :d)...