Friday, January 13, 2012


Mean people are just insecure, so they make other people feel like shitty, and like that they can be happy. 
-Shameless: season1 episode 11


  1. That line is so right! But that kind of people should go fuck them selfes because that's the only thing they care about. Them self. Fuckers.

    and I love the picture <3 I want to do to surf camp so bad! I think I'm going to do that this summer all by myself, I'm a bit scared though.. :$


  2. do = go* my english is a bit crappy, sorry ^^


I'm really sorry but I'm not in any photo on my blog.
Anyway, I love all the comments you leave here, and I'm pretty sure they will make my day. Thank you! ❤ ❤